영어회화 1
학점은행제 학과목 신청
홈 > 학점은행제 학과목 > 영어회화 1영어 | 생활영어 | 영어회화1 | 실용영어회화 | 시사영어 |
기초일어 | 일본어 | 생활일본어 | 중국어1 | 생활중국어 |
식생활과 건강 | 식생활관리 | 리더쉽 | 생활과 디자인 | 생활속의 과학 |
인간관계론 | 생활경영 | 생활과 광고 | 인간관계와 의사소통론 | 직장생활과 예절 |
주별 | 차시 | 강의(실습‧실기‧실험) 내용 | 과제 및 기타 참고사항 |
제 1 주 | 1 | 강의주제: 학과목에 대한 오리엔테이션/ It’s nice to meet you/What’s this? 강의목표: 학과목 개요를 숙지할 수 있다. To be able to talk about greetings and leave-takings; names and titles of address; numbers 0-10, phone numbers, and email addresses, possessions, classrooms objects, personal items, and locations in a room. 강의세부내용: 학과목에 대한 개요를 이해하고 수업진행방식 및 평가방법 등을 숙지한다. ⁃ Speaking Introducing yourself and friends; saying hello and good-bye; asking for names and phone numbers ⁃ Grammar Possessive adjectives; affirmative statements and contractions; articles; plurals; prepositions of place ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading the selling of names, phone numbers, and email address, locations of objects ⁃ Activity “Famous classmates”: Introducing yourself to new people “Find the differences”: Comparing two picrures수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT1 It’s nice to meet you UNIT2 What’s this? 강의계획서 ‣ [강의계획서 배포] 한 학기동안 진행될 강의를 주차별 브리핑과 평가방법 및 기준에 대한 설명 ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 2 주 | 1 | 강의주제: Where are you from? 강의목표: To be able to talk about cities and countries, adjectives of personality and appearance and numbers 11~103 and ages 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Talking about cities and countries; asking for and giving information about place of origin, nationality, and first language; describing people ⁃ Grammar The verb be, affirmative and negative statement, yes/no questions, short answers, and Wh-questions ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading countries cities, languages, and descriptions of people ⁃ Activity “Board game”: Finding out more about uour classmates수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT3 Where are you from? ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 3 주 | 1 | 강의주제: Whose jeans are these? 강의목표: To be able to talk about clothing, colors, weather and seasons. 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Asking about and describing clothing and colors; talking about the weather and seasons; find the owners of objects ⁃ Grammar Possessives: adjectives our abd their, pronouns, names, and whose; present continuous statements and yes/no questions; conjunctions and, but, and so; placement of adjectives before nouns ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading The letters s and sh: descriptions of clothing colors ⁃ Activity “Celebrity fshions”: describing celebrities’ clothing수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT4 Whose jeans are these? ‣ [과제부여] Write a scenario and role playing situation with a partner on any subject learnt in the class by week 12 ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 4 주 | 1 | 강의주제: What are you doing?/My sister works downtown. 강의목표: To be able to talk about clock time, times of the day, everyday activities, transportation, family relationships, daily routines, and day of the week 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Asking for and telling time; asking about abd describing current activities; asking for and giving information about how people go to work or school; talkinf about family members; describing daily and weekly routines ⁃ Grammar Time expressions, present continuous Wh-questions, simple present statements with regular and irregular verbs ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading Rising and falling intonation: times of the day, listening to identify pople’s actions Third-person singular –s endings: activities and days of the week ⁃ Activity “What’s wrong with this picture?”: describing what’s wrong with a picture “Class survey”(실기평가1): Finding out more about classmates’habits and routines수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT5 What are you doing? UNIT6 My sister works downtown. ‣ [실기평가1] Describing classmates’ habits and routines ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 5 주 | 1 | 강의주제: Does it have a view? 강의목표: To be able to talk about houses, apartments, rooms, furniture 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Asking about and describing houses and apartments; talking about the furniture in a room ⁃ Grammar Simple present short answers ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading Descriptions of houses, people shop for furniture ⁃ Activity “Find the differences”: comparing two apartments수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT7 Does it have a view? ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 6 주 | 1 | 강의주제: What do you do? 강의목표: To be able to talk about jobs and workplaces 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Asking for and giving information about work; giving options about jobs; describing workday routines ⁃ Grammar Simple present Wh-questions with do and does; placement of adjectives after be and before nouns ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading Reduction of do: people describe their jobs ⁃ Activity “The perfect job”: Figuring out what job is right for you수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT8 What do you do? ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 7 주 | 중간고사 | ||
제 8 주 | 1 | 강의주제: Do we need any eggs?/What sports do you play? 강의목표: To be able to talk about basic foods, breakfast foods, meals, sports, abilities and talents 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Talking about food likes and dislikes, giving options about healthy and unhealthy foods, describing eating habits; asking for free-time activities and giving information about abilities and talents ⁃ Grammar Count and noncount nouns, adverbs of frequency, simple present Wh-questions; can for ability; yes/no and Wh-questions with can ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading People’s food preferences, people’s favorite sports to watch or play, and their abilities ⁃ Activity “Snack survey”: Taking a survey about snack you eat and comparing answers “Hidden talents”: Finding out more about your classmates’ hidden talents수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT9 Do we need any eggs? UNIT10 What sports do you play? ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 9 주 | 1 | 강의주제: What are you going to do? 강의목표: To be able to talk about months and dates, birthday, holidays, festivals, and special days 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Asking about birthday; talking about plans for evening, weekend, and other occasions The future with be going to; yes/no and Wh-questions with be going to; future time expressions ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading Reduction of going to: people talking about their evening plans ⁃ Activity “Guessing game”: Making guesses about a classmates’ plans수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT11 What are you going to do? ‣ [실기평가2] Talking about plans for evening, weekend, and other occasions ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 10 주 | 1 | 강의주제: What’s the matter? 강의목표: To be able to talk about parts of the body, health problems, advice and medications 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Describing health problems; talking about common medications; giving advice for health problems ⁃ Grammar Have + noun; feel + adjective; negative and positive adjectives; imperatives ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading People talking about health problems and medications, ways to improve your health ⁃ Activity “Helpful advice”: Giving advice for some common problems수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT12 What’s the matter? ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 11 주 | 1 | 강의주제: You can’t miss it./Did you have fun? 강의목표: To be able to talk about stores and things you can buy there, tourist attractions, chores and fun activities, and summer activities 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Talking about stores and other places; asking for and giving directions; asking for and giving information about weekend and vacation activities ⁃ Grammar Prepositions of place, giving directions with imperatives, simple past statements with regular and irregular verbs ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading Compound nouns: people talking about shopping and directions Simple past –ed endings: people talking about their past summer activities ⁃ Activity “Giving directions”: asking for directions in a neighborhood “Past and present”: comparing your classmates’ present lives with their childhood수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT13 You can’t miss it. UNIT14 Did you have fun? ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 12 주 | 1 | 강의주제: 과제제출 및 발표 강의목표: 작성한 시나리오를 제출하고 그에 따른 역할극을 할 수 있다. 강의세부내용: 수업시간에 배웠던 내용을 활용하여 작성한 시나리오를 과제로 제출하고 파트너와 내용에 따른 역할극으로 표현한다. 롤플레이 후 피드백을 주어 학습자가 본인의 장단점을 파악할 수 있도록 한다.수업방법: Q&A, role play, presentation | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 과제평가표 ‣ [과제제출 및 발표] Situation role playing with a partner on any subject learnt in the class ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 13 주 | 1 | 강의주제: Where did you grow up? 강의목표: To be able to talk about biographical information, years, school days 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking Asking for and giving information about date and place of birth; describing school experiences and memories ⁃ Grammar Statements and questions with the past of be; Wh-questions with did, was, and were ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading Places and dates of birth ⁃ Activity “Life events”: Making a time line of important events in your life수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT15 Where did you grow up? ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 14 주 | 1 | 강의주제: Can she call you later? 강의목표: To be able to talk about locations, telephone calls, invitations 강의세부내용: ⁃ Speaking scribing people’s locations; making, accepting, and declining invitations; making excuses ⁃ Grammar Prepositional phrases; subject and object pronouns; invitations with Do you want to...? and Would you like...?; verb + to ⁃ Pronunciation/Listening/Reading Phone conversations, voice-mail messages ⁃ Activity “Let’s make a date!”: making plans with your classmates수업방법: explanation, Q&A, quiz, listening, speaking, reading, presentation, role play | ‣ [학습자료] 주교재 & DVD: UNIT16 Can she call you later? ‣ [학습기자재] 컴퓨터 1대, 스피커 1조, 빔프로젝터 1대, 전동스크린 1대, 화이트보드 1개, 교탁 1개, 책상 40개, 의자 40개 |
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제 15 주 | 기말고사 |